Chapter 2727 A Tempting Cock On Vacation:>>Ep219
- Pam had been sitting there, her hair now clingy due to the humid air, matching her damp, tanned skin, amazed at the way her friend was basically sort of masturbating Ron with the flower vase. She briefly felt the need to protest, but given that they'd just moments before been sucking on his scrotum, didn't see the point, and reached over to firmly grip the tormented, yet lucky teenager bound to her bed.
- Beth repeated the process, watching intently as the boy's slick cockhead molded itself to the snugness of the glass. This time she kept up the pressure, and eventually slipped into the slightly widening section of the neck and most of his shaft, down to Pam's fist, was encased in the tight sheath.
- "Now, let's see if we can get to the right position to let you go." Beth said as she began to lower the base of the vase toward Ron's balls. As she did this it slipped up again, until the head was back in the most narrow vise-like position, threatening to slide out completely. "Oops, this is sort of tricky, to keep you at just the right place." Beth continued, now sliding back down toward Pam's hand.